
AI as Your Business Development Partner: Practical Tips and Tools to Save Time and Improve Quality

Brad Krueger

The possibilities seemed endless, and I was sure they could empower my work. I might even get left behind if I don’t figure this out. But was I technical enough? Did I have what it takes? Can it help people do what I do?

I started seeing the news and hype around AI in 2022 and started using ChatGPT but quickly felt as though I was falling behind due to all the buzz around it.I stopped using the tools and resorted to observing, watching it all happen around me. I tuned into demonstrations, read headlines, and attended training sessions. Despite these efforts, the vastness of the field and its jargon made it difficult for me to feel like I could meaningfully participate. I wasn't technically smart enough, didn't lead a big enough company to benefit from the power, and felt a bit shy about these shortcomings. But, after leaning in and arriving at a stage of meaningful use, I can confidently say it can benefit us all if we can just get started. After reading the rest of this blog I hope you feel empowered to start too.  

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a valuable asset for consultants looking to enhance their services and boost productivity. From independent consultants to large consulting firms, AI is impacting the way client work, research, and business development are approached.

AI's relevance in the business world is growing rapidly. From automating routine tasks to providing data-driven insights, AI can transform how businesses operate. As we harness the power ofAI tools, we're discovering new ways to analyze data, generate insights, andrefine our strategies for clients to become more efficient and effective. While it offers significant advantages, it also comes with challenges, such as ethical considerations, biases, and the need for human oversight. Responsible AI use involves understanding these challenges and implementing strategies to mitigate them. It's not just about deploying AI tools but doing so in a way that aligns with your business values and objectives. It's essential to strike a balance between AI-driven insights and human expertise in your consulting practice. Always add your unique knowledge of situations and the contextual understanding that experienced consultants bring.

Prompt Engineering for Consultants 

The effectiveness of AI tools, especially language models, hinges on prompt engineering—crafting precise and clear prompts to guide the AI in generating useful outputs. The quality of AI output depends on the quality of input it receives. To get the most out of AI, you need to provide clear, specific instructions. Here are some tips for crafting effective prompts in a consulting context:

Define the Task: Clearly describe what you want the AI to do.

Set Parameters: Provide context and constraints to guide the AI.

Specify the Persona and Objective: Tailor the prompt to suit the target audience and purpose.

Describe the task: Be as detailed as possible about what you need the AI to do.

Provide step-by-step instructions: Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

Request feedback: Ask the AI to explain its reasoning or provide alternatives.

Using AI as a Thought Partner

AI can be an invaluable thought partner, helping you overcome writer's block and enhance your content creation process. Starting from scratch can be daunting.AI can help you get started with prompts like:

  • “Generate a listof 10 titles for a blog post about [topic].”
  • “Suggest 3 unique angles to approach a LinkedIn post on [specific subject].”
  • “Create an outline for a monthly newsletter for this company [webpage] that features[event/topic].”

AI can refine your communication, makingit clearer and more effective:

  • “Rewrite thisparagraph for clarity and conciseness focusing on the main point: [paragraphtext].”
  • “Provide threeversions of this paragraph each tailored to different audiences: leadership,board of directors, and the general public using this [insert text to betailored].”
  • “Analyze the toneof the communication below and suggest edits to make it more [effective,persuasive, friendly, formal, professional]: [insert text].”
  • “Draft a response to this email [insert email]”

AI can assist in drafting essential business documents, saving you time and ensuring consistency.

  • “Draft a meeting agenda based on these notes from a previous meeting [notes].”
  • “Generate an outline for an internal memo addressing the key findings from the quarter.”
  • “Draft a section of a proposal.”

The Role of AI in Proposal Generation

Creating proposals can be time-consuming and complex. AI can simplify this process by summarizing key elements, checking for completeness, and providing feedback.

  • “[Upload the RFP]Summarize the key points of this RFP including required elements of the proposal.”
  • “Create a checklist from the attached RFP that includes all of the submission requirements.”
  • “[Upload proposal draft and RFP] review the RFP and the proposal and provide any feedback and suggestions to make the proposal stronger, considering how the RFP scores proposals.”
  • “You are an expert in X type of projects. Estimate a budget for this project with the understanding that the organization has an annual budget/revenue of X.”

AI can quickly provide context and background information, aiding in research and understanding complex topics.

  • “Using the attached RFP, help me understand the [topic].”
  • “Explain the significance of [topic] in the current [industry/social context] and how it influences [topic].”
  • “Using the attached RFP, help me outline the sections needed for the proposal including any necessary supporting data I will need.”
  • “Draft an executive summary for this proposal [attach proposal].”

Refining Language, Voice, or Tone

Ensuring that your communication is clear, persuasive, and tailored to your audience is crucial. AI can help refine your language, identify gaps, and suggest improvements.

  • “Refine the language of this proposal to focus on impact, persuasiveness, and clarity[insert proposal].”
  • “Using the attached proposal, identify any gaps or unclear sections in the proposal and suggest improvements.” 

AI is a powerful tool that complements your expertise rather than replacing it. Think of AI as a research assistant or intern that can provide valuable assistance but still requires your guidance and expertise. While AI tools can automate tasks and generate insights, they do not possess the nuanced understanding of professional relationships and strategic thinking that you do.

Responsible AI use is not just possible but necessary. It involves planning, continuous learning, and engagement while always keeping in mind the confidential nature of client information.

As you integrate AI into your consulting processes, you'll experience a learning curve. Don't overthink it – let AI help you and be a partner in your dailywork. With practice, you'll find the right balance between AI assistance and your professional expertise, leading to more efficient and effective consulting engagements that save you time and improve the quality of your work. Embrace AIas a powerful ally in delivering exceptional value to your clients and growing your consulting practice.

So, start today. Start by looking at your to-do list today and spend 15 minutes using one of the leading AI chatbots (Gemini, Copilot, ChatGPT, or Claude), or try some of the sample prompt ideas above. If nothing else, you’ve gained some experience. Tomorrow, you can do the same.


Brad Krueger

Brad is a passionate, equity-focused, relationship-centric evaluator. He thrives on building systems to collect, review, and present data. His years of experience, working with county health departments, large and small nonprofits, as well as state agencies, has allowed him to interact with diverse stakeholders and audiences. He humbly embraces opportunities to support disenfranchised groups and individuals.

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