Company Background
Swoon Creative, founded in 2017, is a dynamic design agency based in Vancouver, BC, known for its diverse team and impactful design projects.

With a strong core team and partnerships extending their service offerings, Swoon Creative handles 15-20 clients simultaneously, delivering high-quality web design, development, graphic design, and branding.
The Problem/Challenge
Before discovering Prosal, Swoon Creative struggled to find quality RFPs that aligned with their expertise. The team wasted valuable hours on complex platforms, navigating through irrelevant opportunities and inefficient systems.

The constant search for suitable projects drained their resources and hindered their ability to focus on growth and innovation, leaving less time for creating impactful proposals and connecting with clients.
The Solution
Swoon Creative turned to Prosal to streamline its RFP search process. Prosal’s platform aggregated high-quality RFPs, significantly reducing Swoon Creative's time spent searching for potential projects. This allowed the team to focus on what they do best—creating impactful design solutions and engaging with clients.
The Benefits/Impact
Since adopting Prosal in 2021, Swoon Creative has substantially increased project acquisition by 60%. The platform introduced Swoon Creative to clients they might never have found otherwise, greatly expanding their reach and opportunities.

Notable successes include a collaboration with GreenLatinos, where Swoon Creative designed and developed a bilingual website that effectively communicates its mission. You can read more about their collaboration here.
0%Time saved on RFP searches
0%Increase in project acquisition
0+Time saved on RFP searches
in the first year

Impact on Swoon Creative

0% More efficientTime saved on RFP searches
Increased revenue by 0%Revenue from Prosal-sourced RFPs
Expanded client base by 0%Revenue from Prosal-sourced RFPs

Lessons Learned

Swoon Creative refined their approach, applying insights and strategies from every proposal to enhance future success and client satisfaction.

Simplified their Review Process:
Swoon Creative made the review process easier for their business development team, ensuring each proposal comprehensively answer all questions and meets requirements.
The Problem/Monitoring Timelines:
The whole team uses Prosal’s timelines and reminders to track deadlines and avoid last-minute rushes.
Highlighting Unique Value:
Swoon now tailors each and every proposal to clearly articulate why their team is the standout choice for each project.
“Prosal has become our essential tool for finding high-quality RFPs. The platform has facilitated connections with clients close to home and globally, leading to fruitful collaborations with an impressive array of organizations. We eagerly anticipate the new opportunities that Prosal will continue to bring our way.”
Beren Davis Co-Founder of Swoon Creative.
Ready to transform your RFP process and boost your project acquisition like Swoon Creative?
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