Four agency proposals that successfully won an RFP

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Comms, Marketing, and Design Services

San Juan Water District in June 2023 sought proposals from qualified firms for Communications/Marketing Support and Graphic Design Services on a time and materials basis.

U.S. Municipality


Ethnic Marketing and Public Relations Services

This municipal agency was seeking a consultant to advise on the development and implementation of strategies that build awareness among the Authority’s multilingual and multicultural constituency.

Foundation / Philanthropy

Branding & Creative

Communication & Branding Proposal

The Foundation was looking for an experienced communications and branding consultant who could assist in developing a new communications and branding strategy.

Foundation / Philanthropy


Website Redesign for Friends Provident Foundation

The Foundation sought the services of an agency to take forward a redesign of its website and to deliver the key requirements of this brief.


Human Resources

Compensation Policy Consultant

The policy consultant would conduct a policy scan to understand the specific policy opportunities for compensation reform under Cornerstone #1 of the Bright Futures Roadmap.


Strategic Planning

CPSE Strategic Planning Consultant

This Request for Proposals (RFP), issued by the Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE), sought proposals to develop a corporate strategic plan.

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