Four agency proposals that successfully won an RFP

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State Entity (US)

Digital Media

Media And Digital Marketing Services

MERIT sought a marketing firm to develop and execute a media and digital marketing strategy to promote its new savings option for employees of small businesses in Maine that didn't offer a work-based retirement plan. The program aimed to increase awareness and trust, engage employers, and direct them to a new website. The marketing strategy was to be comprehensive, considering a budget range of $55,000 to $85,000 from November 2023 to December 2024. Proposals were to highlight experience, challenges, and the proposed approach, with the potential inclusion of testimonial videos.

U.S. Municipality

Finance & Accounting

Consulting Firm to Audit Gross Receipts Tax

The City of Richmond sought proposals from qualified and experienced consulting firms to project gross receipts for large, complex businesses and to review their financial, manufacturing, and processing records to ensure the reported gross receipts were accurate. This RFP was in line with the city's move to change the business license tax calculation methodology to be based on gross receipts. The contract was to span three years with an option for two one-year extensions. Proposals were to be submitted electronically via the City’s online bidding system by October 4, 2023. This was an estimated budget, based on similarly sized projects for comparable organizations, unconfirmed by the issuer.

U.S. Municipality

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

The City of Rhinelander, Wisconsin, is seeking consultant services for the development of a ten-year strategic plan. The city aims for a comprehensive and participatory planning process that involves input from the Mayor, Trustees, Staff, and Citizens. The strategic planning process will encompass various activities, including interviews with key city personnel, surveys from citizens, and the preparation of draft and final reports. The city is undergoing growth and development, and with new leadership in place, it aims to review its future strategic direction through this initiative. This is an estimated budget, based on similarly sized projects for comparable organizations, unconfirmed by the issuer.

U.S. Municipality

Strategic Planning

Downtown Selma Strategic Plan

The City of Selma sought proposals for a Downtown Selma Strategic Plan. The objective was to position Downtown Selma for economic recovery and long-term vitality, aiming to establish it as a retail and entertainment hub of the region. The plan was intended to build upon the momentum of the Selma Downtown Business Improvement District. The city had a keen interest in areas such as market analysis, place-making, connectivity, mobility, public space activation, and more. The selected consultant was expected to work closely with city officials, conduct site visits, and engage with stakeholders to develop a comprehensive plan. This was an estimated budget based on similarly sized projects for comparable organizations, unconfirmed by the issuer.

U.S. Municipality

Organizational Development

Organizational Development and Employee Training Services.

The City of Carlsbad solicited proposals for Organizational Development and Employee Training Services. The contract was set to commence on March 1, 2024, and span a period of five years. The city was keen on fostering a culture of high performance and sought consultants capable of providing services such as group facilitation, organizational design, team alignment, individual coaching, and various training programs. The city planned to award contracts up to $100,000 per agreement year for a term of up to five years. Proposals were to be submitted online through the City of Carlsbad’s e-bidding site, PlanetBids, by October 20, 2023.

State Entity (US)


Public Relations and Recruitment for Computer Science Educator

The State of New Hampshire's Department of Education sought proposals for promotional, marketing, and public relations assistance to promote the new Computer Science Educator Program. The objective was to recruit individuals with industry-recognized credentials to receive a New Hampshire-certified educator credential in computer science. The selected vendor was responsible for creating marketing materials, executing campaigns, and implementing recruitment efforts. The contract spanned from January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.

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